Monday, September 22, 2008

Allow Me To Begin With A Public Apology

I do realize that the internet has made it so easy for many to reach out to people all over the world.

With this great opportunity, i would like to humbly seek forgiveness from all of those who knows me from the day i was born till the day i will leave this world.

Much to my own flaws and weaknesses, i admit that my past behaviour was a disgrace. With that i would like to attempt to better myself and treat you (my friends, family, the rest of the human race) with the utmost respect and honour.

Let us begin a new chapter every living day of our lives.


Disclaimer: The contents in this blog are solely the opinions of eusof and it is not intended to cause hurt or harm to anyone emotionally or mentally. You may agree or disagree with him. Forgive him for his limited knowledge and perspective. And Thank You for visiting this site. Every visitor is an honourable guest.