Friday, October 31, 2008

A Thank You Note for October '08

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

Peace to all & may Allah enlighten us all.

For this month of october, i have decided to list the things that i am grateful for. More of the people whom i am grateful to.

Allow me to start. In no order of merit, i would like to express my love and gratitude to the following honourable people:

This month has been a blessed month of 'Eid and there are so many people i want to thank personally and do not have the chance to. So along the way, i will thank those in my writing.

I would like to thank 1. Noor Sarah Abdul Rahman. Her letter although was written some time ago, touched my heart yet again. Whenever i read that letter, i felt she was telling me to steadfast my iman. And uphold what is right. Her message really seep through my heart and it serves as a great reminder for me to display a high standard of akhlaq/behaviour despite my failure to do so.

My deepest thanks to 2. Rizhan Leman for guiding me especially in the light of deenul islam. For answering my questions, without which i will be lost and further astrayed from the true path. Thank you Rizhan for all the knowledge you have shared and the unconditional love you have showered on me.

3. Azhar Ismail, thank you for being such a great admiration to me up to this moment. I am always humbled by your actions, thoughts and words. Having you in my life just adds more value and meaning to my journey.

4. Mas'uud Samsudin, thank you for showing me a great deal of humility and peace. Your presence gives me a huge confidence in leading my daily life. I cant thank you enough for those lessons you teach with so much wisdom that soothe my heart, whether you know it or not.

I need to thank 5. Afandi Zainol Abideen for his patience toward me. His dire hunger for success inspires me. Most importantly, it reminds me to set my drive toward success. Thank you Afandi. And a apologies to you for my harsh words at times. Thank you for showing me that you care for others.

I must also extend my gratitude to 6. Fadzuli Abdul Wahab. Your sense of humility and your urge to share and teach others especially in the internet marketing world, humbles me. Thank you for the words of advice and the ticket to the Smart Seminar! Yeah! May Allah bless you always and guide you toward your goals!

7. Nurhannah a.k.a Umm Sofiyyah. Thank you for your interesting blog posts. I never fail to learn something new. You taught me alot about being open and sincere through your words in your beautiful blog. I'm sorry if i spurred any animosity in your blog. I understand why some people may differ in opinions.

Thank you to a dear friend of mine, 8. Nadiah Syafawati for having that deep trust in me. For allowing me to be apart of your wonderful team, MCMS. It is a great honour to be working with individuals who aspire to be great in personal and organizational setting.

9. Hafiz Hussain. Thank you. At large, i am very grateful that i 'met' you again for the first time. Your presence made a huge difference now. I am going to value this relationship as i know that we are here for a common purpose and may we assist each other in reaching our goals. Thank you for having this great team/group.

10. Ameerah al Mutahar, thank you for being a great inspiration. Your spirit to help others never fail to touch my heart. Thank you for the books you lent me. Thank you for the books that you gave me. I am indeed grateful to know you. And it saddens me to see you leave Singapore. May Allah bless you always, Ameerah.

I need to thank 11. Gajendari for trusting me and thank you for your willingness to learn from me although i knew too little. Thank you for travelling all the way from the west to Tampines just to seek knowledge.

Thank you 12. Latiff Rahim for guiding me in my journeyto internet marketing success. You are a great mentor. And your sense of unselfishness is the source of inspiration for me to give back to the community.

Thank you 13. Diana Sabrain for sharing your beautiful stories and insights on female and business during our outing with the rest of the internet marketers, together with Mark Joyner, Ewen Chia, Jaz Lai, Edmund Toh, Harold Hsu, Joseph Then, Han Ayden, Latiff Rahim, Shafir, Andy Iskandar, Paul Lim & Andy Henry.

I would love to thank the 14. ApexCo for coming together and having our last formal meeting before the exams start. Thank you Farhana Munshi, Hamizah, Noor Sarah, Ikhsan, Huzaifah, Shahiddin, Azhar, Syaheer & Mas'uud! The passion that emancipates from you guys gives me strength to serve people. Thank you guys! You guys rock!

15. Salwa, thank you to you for allowing me to learn a great deal about so many things. From relationships to work issues. Having you to share your experience and feelings benefits me in so many ways. Thank you Salwa for your enduring trust in me and thank you for believing in me when people put me down.

I must also thank 16. Walid for his great character. I learn so much from you. The fact that you put the effort to bring people together be it for supper or for syarahan is enough for me to be inspired by your actions. Thank you Walid for the thoughts and concern for the ummah.

Not forgeting 17. Rufihaza Ramlee for giving feedback and suggestion on certain issues. The tudung issue and also your interesting insights on the contemporary issues. Thank you for giving me your perspective of things.

I have so many people to thank. If i were to go on with this list, it will never end.

For those names not mentioned here, fret not, you are far from forgotten. You will always be in my heart nevertheless.


Haz said...

sekarang baru saya baca nie. heh. terima kasih jugak pada awak :)

Disclaimer: The contents in this blog are solely the opinions of eusof and it is not intended to cause hurt or harm to anyone emotionally or mentally. You may agree or disagree with him. Forgive him for his limited knowledge and perspective. And Thank You for visiting this site. Every visitor is an honourable guest.