I never believe that the current school education system can make you rich. Well, i thought it would until i was given this pair of eyes.
By true fact, school creates unsuccessful traits for one who wants to be rich.
I personally experience this fact. Many of my traits that i picked up in school actually hinders my business success.
To name a few, examinations "develops" students to be individuals when we know that in reality we need to be a team worker. No copying, no cooperation. This translate to the real world. What a set back to great success.
Another matter that disturbs me is the hierarchy and bureaucratic system practised in school. After readng Jim Collins' Good To Great, it only enlightened me further that school sets you out for failure in the business world.
Jim clearly states that great companies excelled without bureaucracy and hierarchy. Something that i believe and know strongly.
So ask yourself, are you set for failure?
Why do you consider a degree at the first place?
Was it the education or the B.Sc/B.A./MBA/PhD?
Shouldn't learning be a life long process?
Just to quote from Stephen Covey: How many of us graduate with a degree but not an education?
On the other side of the story, i think one should go to school to expand her knowledge. This means even at the risk of leaving school without a degree. Are willing to do that? Otherwise it just proves further that you go to school because of a degree, not an education.
There's a deep secret that i will share with all of my fellow friends out there who are pursuing a degree. Let me remind you that i preach what i say. That's hint!
The science behind dramatically better conversations | Charles Duhigg
The key to deeply connecting with others is about more than just talking —
it's about asking the right kinds of questions, says journalist and author
11 hours ago
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