eusof is moving!
moving to . . .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Thank You Note for October '08
Peace to all & may Allah enlighten us all.
For this month of october, i have decided to list the things that i am grateful for. More of the people whom i am grateful to.
Allow me to start. In no order of merit, i would like to express my love and gratitude to the following honourable people:
This month has been a blessed month of 'Eid and there are so many people i want to thank personally and do not have the chance to. So along the way, i will thank those in my writing.
I would like to thank 1. Noor Sarah Abdul Rahman. Her letter although was written some time ago, touched my heart yet again. Whenever i read that letter, i felt she was telling me to steadfast my iman. And uphold what is right. Her message really seep through my heart and it serves as a great reminder for me to display a high standard of akhlaq/behaviour despite my failure to do so.
My deepest thanks to 2. Rizhan Leman for guiding me especially in the light of deenul islam. For answering my questions, without which i will be lost and further astrayed from the true path. Thank you Rizhan for all the knowledge you have shared and the unconditional love you have showered on me.
3. Azhar Ismail, thank you for being such a great admiration to me up to this moment. I am always humbled by your actions, thoughts and words. Having you in my life just adds more value and meaning to my journey.
4. Mas'uud Samsudin, thank you for showing me a great deal of humility and peace. Your presence gives me a huge confidence in leading my daily life. I cant thank you enough for those lessons you teach with so much wisdom that soothe my heart, whether you know it or not.
I need to thank 5. Afandi Zainol Abideen for his patience toward me. His dire hunger for success inspires me. Most importantly, it reminds me to set my drive toward success. Thank you Afandi. And a apologies to you for my harsh words at times. Thank you for showing me that you care for others.
I must also extend my gratitude to 6. Fadzuli Abdul Wahab. Your sense of humility and your urge to share and teach others especially in the internet marketing world, humbles me. Thank you for the words of advice and the ticket to the Smart Seminar! Yeah! May Allah bless you always and guide you toward your goals!
7. Nurhannah a.k.a Umm Sofiyyah. Thank you for your interesting blog posts. I never fail to learn something new. You taught me alot about being open and sincere through your words in your beautiful blog. I'm sorry if i spurred any animosity in your blog. I understand why some people may differ in opinions.
Thank you to a dear friend of mine, 8. Nadiah Syafawati for having that deep trust in me. For allowing me to be apart of your wonderful team, MCMS. It is a great honour to be working with individuals who aspire to be great in personal and organizational setting.
9. Hafiz Hussain. Thank you. At large, i am very grateful that i 'met' you again for the first time. Your presence made a huge difference now. I am going to value this relationship as i know that we are here for a common purpose and may we assist each other in reaching our goals. Thank you for having this great team/group.
10. Ameerah al Mutahar, thank you for being a great inspiration. Your spirit to help others never fail to touch my heart. Thank you for the books you lent me. Thank you for the books that you gave me. I am indeed grateful to know you. And it saddens me to see you leave Singapore. May Allah bless you always, Ameerah.
I need to thank 11. Gajendari for trusting me and thank you for your willingness to learn from me although i knew too little. Thank you for travelling all the way from the west to Tampines just to seek knowledge.
Thank you 12. Latiff Rahim for guiding me in my journeyto internet marketing success. You are a great mentor. And your sense of unselfishness is the source of inspiration for me to give back to the community.
Thank you 13. Diana Sabrain for sharing your beautiful stories and insights on female and business during our outing with the rest of the internet marketers, together with Mark Joyner, Ewen Chia, Jaz Lai, Edmund Toh, Harold Hsu, Joseph Then, Han Ayden, Latiff Rahim, Shafir, Andy Iskandar, Paul Lim & Andy Henry.
I would love to thank the 14. ApexCo for coming together and having our last formal meeting before the exams start. Thank you Farhana Munshi, Hamizah, Noor Sarah, Ikhsan, Huzaifah, Shahiddin, Azhar, Syaheer & Mas'uud! The passion that emancipates from you guys gives me strength to serve people. Thank you guys! You guys rock!
15. Salwa, thank you to you for allowing me to learn a great deal about so many things. From relationships to work issues. Having you to share your experience and feelings benefits me in so many ways. Thank you Salwa for your enduring trust in me and thank you for believing in me when people put me down.
I must also thank 16. Walid for his great character. I learn so much from you. The fact that you put the effort to bring people together be it for supper or for syarahan is enough for me to be inspired by your actions. Thank you Walid for the thoughts and concern for the ummah.
Not forgeting 17. Rufihaza Ramlee for giving feedback and suggestion on certain issues. The tudung issue and also your interesting insights on the contemporary issues. Thank you for giving me your perspective of things.
I have so many people to thank. If i were to go on with this list, it will never end.
For those names not mentioned here, fret not, you are far from forgotten. You will always be in my heart nevertheless.
Labels: thank you
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
You Are Not In Love! You Are Fooled.
I was attending Dr Patricia Love's talk. It was about "Keys To A Smart And Happy Love Life".
At the first thought of it, it has to be about dating. Couples and love. Frankly, it is!
In fact more to just that. She was sharing with us the science of love. The chemicals that run inside our brains. The electric jolt that you get when you meet women or men.
Studying and learning about relationships have been a core part of my life as i know people are important to me. They are the most important thing in my life. That is why i humbled myself to attend the seminar when many refused to go thinking that it has to be against religious orientation, manipulative and perhaps unIslamic.
I must say it is knowledge. And all knowledge comes from God. For those who were there left home with a greater understanding of human relationships.
The first thing we learnt was the misconception of love. Many of us, as Dr Pat mentioned, are disillusioned by the definition of love. We are tricked into that sex and romance idea of love propagated by the media, movies and the society itself.
The moment she mentioned that many are disillusioned by the meaning of love, i felt a sense of relief for all this while learning about relationships assured my true understanding of people and relationships beyond the scope of sex and romance.
The Truth About Love
As what i have learnt in her talk, love is definitely different from infatuation and lust. This section of the talk gave a tremendous insight on the definition of love. And how people are deceived by the understanding of love. By this time i believe that most relationships (BGR) are disillusional. (Yes! I was right 6 years ago when i strongly urge people to refrain from BGR. The feeling of attraction for the other person is blatantly disillusional. Although many are stubborn and allow themselves to submit to their lust.)
She then explained the scientific process of the human body when we are infatuated or in lust. When a person is infatuated she feels 'high' whenever she's new in a relationship. What actually happens is that the brain secrete a chemical named dopamine (and some other chemicals) that stimulates the body to feel 'excited'. I can't explain better than this guy. Check out his blog. He is quite detailed.
So my point is, (this is gonna hurt) for those who are in a BGR, you are just in a state of disillusionment. Have you ever wondered why after about two years or less you feel less attracted to the girl or guy? Yes, the natural drug in your body has subsided. And you no longer feel excited. That's the reason why most BGRs fail after two years, some even before the two -year mark.
Oh, didn't i tell you that the blood does not flow to the neocortex (if the scientific term is correct) when people are in 'love'? It is the front part of the brain. And the front lobe of the brain serves as a thinking tool. With less blood in that portion of the brain, no wonder people who are so-called in love do stupid things cos they can't think rationally and logically for the obvious reasons.
Now this brings me to prostration (sujud). It made total sense when we have to prostrate in our prayers. God wants us to be thinkers. Well at least that makes sense to me. When we think, we are safe ourselves from self-disillusionment. Blood flows to the front part of the brain! Isn't it amazing?! And just because of prostration, we become great thinkers and people with the highest form of logic. That's why i love muslims who never leave their prayers!
All in all i believe and i KNOW that all relationships have to be built. And what amaze me further about Dr Pat, she believes that true love start after marriage. Before marriage, most of the time it is fake, a social scam! Hahaha. I know. I sound harsh. Well let's face the brutal facts!
God's willing, i will post another thread on this subject. A more complete fact about men and women. How to face the differences and understand them. How to build great relationships and many more.
The talk made me speechless (not thoughtless okay). I just love it! Next time if i ask you to come along just come okay. Don't miss the wonders of knowledge!
Till then, leave your comment!
This wil be interesting!
Labels: The science of love
The Power of Your Positive Mind
Positive thinking is like some hyped-up thingy. Something like we have always told ourselves, "What nonsense! Let's be realistic." "How can you think positively if the situation is obviously very bad?!"
This is what i hear from the people around me. Well i must say, positive thinking is a matter of paradigm. You can't force yourself into it. (Actually, you can lar.)
More often than not, we fail to see things in a different perspective. I learnt from a dear friend of mine quite recently about positive thinking. His humble actions taught me a lot.
We have heard of the well-known Fadzuli, and he is coaching 200 students in his internet venture. The last time i kept myself updated he had only 7 students. What went through my mind was, "WHAT?!" Only SEVEN?! You are not even close to 200!
However, his words humbled me when he continued to say that he was grateful to God for this. I was speechless. Suddenly, as if a bolt of light -light of enlightenment- penetrate through my heart.
Accompanied with his gratitude, he showed much enthusiasm to search for more students.
Now, do you see the paradigm shift. I don't know if you can see it. I do. It's like seeing things with a different set of lenses.
Positive thinking changes how you perceive things in life. And this is one of the greatest asset you can have.
I have friend whom i dear deeply. "How can we be positive about unity when we see so much diversity in people?! Is this self-disillusioning?" We were talking about religious affair within our community and i beg to differ in opinion.
The way i see it, the diversity in culture and practices can only bring us together. I see it as an opportunity to unite people. I see the need to understand differences in practices. I see the appreciation of differences in the time to come. I was wowed! The fact that we can actually unite people in this huge manner. To embrace diversity in unity. So diversity is not bad after all.
I still do believe that some people don't and will not understand this paradigm shift. Nevertheless, hopefully they do one day.
Below is an excerpt extracted from May it be enriching to everyone who reads it.
Start thinking you can do things.
When people believe in themselves they learn the first secret of success.
Practice hope.
As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.
Get fired up with enthusiasm.
Those fired up with an enthusiastic idea, and who allow it to take hold and dominate their thoughts, find that new worlds open for them.
Stretch beyond your current limits.
We can do just about anything that we really want and make up our minds to do. We are all capable of greater things than we realize.
Practice happy thinking.
Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast.
Like attracts like.
If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.
Maintain enthusiasm through tough times.
Cushion the painful effects of hard blows by keeping the enthusiasm going strong.
Believe things will turn out well.
Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Hope to hear your side of things. Leave a comment.
Labels: Positive Mind
Friday, October 10, 2008
Too Busy for Relationships?
In the past, I’ve observed that some neighbors go out of their way not to talk to each other. Of course, whether your friends live across the street or across the country, building and keeping close relationships takes time and effort—things it seems we have too little of these days.
In our high-tech, fast-paced culture, many people are too wired to connect authentically in relationships. With the ability to instantly reach just about anyone by cell phone, e-mail or text message, we often miss the opportunity to connect the old-fashioned way—face-to-face and heart-to-heart. The consequences can affect your potential for true happiness, personal growth and satisfaction with your life.
I interviewed 300 people to discover the quality of their relationships and here’s what they had to say. Can you relate?
54% said they get together with friends for fun and conversation less than once a month.
55% have not had a friend over to their home in more than two months.
80% of people married or in a romantic relationship said they are not satisfied with the consistency and quality of time spent with their spouse or significant other.
70% of parents surveyed said they do not spend enough time with their children.
58% said they have not had a seven-day vacation in more than a year.
Has an overloaded calendar or demanding work life left you disconnected from the people and things that matter most to you? Has a move or life change altered the dynamics of your relationships? Or do you have the right people in your life, but too much going on to spend quality time with them? If so, there are some specific steps you can take toward change.
A busy executive told me recently he didn’t really have any close friendships. All of his time had been focused on his career for so long he had no true friendships outside of his family—only acquaintances, colleagues and clients. And it’s not just the career-minded who experience the loneliness of having few, if any, fulfilling relationships.
As incomes have risen in the last 50 years, we work harder, live farther from relatives, have fewer friends and are less happy. What can we learn from this? Relationships matter. And there’s no getting around the fact that good relationships require your time.
Success is often defined in professional and financial terms, but such definitions are incomplete. What is your personal definition of success? When you look back on your life, and consider the highs and even the lows, it is the relationships—your interactions and bonds with others—that stand out most. Set personal relationship goals and give them a high priority in your life.
The context of relationships gives you the greatest opportunity for personal growth. Forgiveness, gratitude and love are all practiced in your connection with others. Cultivate your vision for the kinds of relationships you want in your life and take concrete steps.
Nurture Your Personal Community
Do you want to explore new activities with your spouse or significant other? Spend more time with a particular family member? Take a moment today to try something new or at least schedule it. Is there someone you’d like to get to know better? Call them up and invite them to do something. Is there a friend going through a tough time? Reach out to them. Showing support can be as simple as just listening. Be intentional about building the kind of personal community that feels authentic and nourishes you.
Connect Heart-to-Heart
Nothing can replace a warm smile, a hug or your undivided attention. Take notice of the ways in which you are distracted when connecting with the people in your life. Slow down and focus on the ones who matter.
Have Fun!
A well rounded life is joyful. What do you like to do for fun? Have you done it lately? Positive emotion actually expands your capacity to handle adversity and strengthens interpersonal relationships. So laugh, play and have a good time.
Limit Negativity
It’s not enough to simply balance negative interactions with positive. Negativity has a bigger impact than positivity, so it takes more positives to make up for the impact. Speak up when you need to, but speak through truth with kindness.
Show Gratitude
Psychology research shows people who express gratitude daily are happier and have better relationships. When you think of the people in your life, what are you most grateful for? Don’t take your relationships for granted. Show your appreciation through words and actions.
Your Challenge
Connect heart-to-heart with the people who matter. Whether it’s a neighbor, longtime friend or your spouse, make space in your calendar to build and maintain those relationships. What important relationships in your life are lacking a consistent connection? What could you do to change that? When will you begin?
by Valorie Burton
Labels: Relationship
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Keys To A Smart & Happy Love Life
There will be a workshop conducted by Dr Pat Love.
Click Here for Dr Patricia's bio.
For University & Polytechnic Students Only:
Date: 10 Oct 2008, Friday
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Venue: HDB Hub Auditorium
Price: $2.00
Open to Public:
Date: 11 Oct 2008, Saturday
Time: 9.30am - 5pm
Venue: Amara Singapore, 165 Tanjong Pagar Road
Price: $20.00
Visit for more details.
I am looking for people to go with me. Leave me a message or call me if you want to go along.
For the sake of gaining knowledge and understanding of relationships. For the betterment of the future and the family.
Mussolah Location: (according to NTUMS, updated?)
HDB Hub Biz Three, Lorong 6 Toa Payoh.
There is a staircase landing used by the security guards as prayer area. Ask them for directions. It is on the left of the HDB main entrance area. The exit is located between the HDB Display Sales Area and the
Qiblat direction already indicated. However, amenities are not available. Please improvise, by bringing your own sejadah, telekong, etc. For ablution, please use the male/female toilets directly opposite the staircase.
Labels: Relationships
Wealth Blueprint. Do You Have It?
Wealth Files by T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire MInd.
#1: Rich people believe 'I created my life'.
Poor people beleive 'Life happens to me'.
#2: Rich play the money game to win.
Poor people play the money game not to lose.
#3: Rich people are committed to being rich.
Poor people want to be rich.
#4: Rich people think big.
Poor people think small.
#5: Rich people focus on opportunities.
Poor people focus on obstacles.
#6: Rich people admire other rich and successful people.
Poor people resent rich and successful people.
#7: Rich people associate with positive, successful people.
Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
#8: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values.
Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
#9: Rich people are bigger than their problems.
Poor people are smaller than their problems.
#10: Rich people are excellent receivers.
Poor people are poor receivers.
#11: Rich people choose to get paid based on results.
Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
#12: Rich people think "both".
Poor people think "either/or".
#13: Rich people focus on their net worth.
Poor people focus on their working income.
#14: Rich people manage their money well.
Poor people mismanage their money well.
#15: Rich people have their money work hard for them.
Poor people work hard for their money.
#16: Rich people act in spite of fear.
Poor people let fear stop them.
#17: Rich people constantly learn and grow.
Poor people think they already know.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Facts I Found Out Why Singles Remain UnMarried
Common Reasons Why Singles are not Married Yet
- Need to get a degree.
- Don't like children.
- Not ready for marriage. Not prepared for the transition.
- Career-minded.
- Filial responsibility.
- High cost of living. Cannot afford marriage. Too expensive. Expensive housing, transportation, education, etc.
- Babies. Stay home and quit job. A worry for women.
- Afraid of relationships turn sour.
- No life.
- It's all about money!
- Government not promoting a pro-family culture.
- People do not want to change their lifestyles.
- Must be financially-abled!
- Don't want to be a housewife after spending so much money and time to get a degree and to be highly educated.
- No time, stressed out
- More bills to pay
- Too busy and career comes first
- Getting married is too expensive no money for wedding dinner and honeymoon
- Cannot get HDB flat in the current market
- I am very rich and I do not want to share my money
- I am a good child and I have to care for my sick aged parents
- Hurt badly in a relationship and lost faith
- I am afraid of commitment
- I am unsure of my feelings
- Have not found the right one
- many more reasons...
I will tell you why i am not married as yet okay. Firstly, i am in my quest of building my financial fortress to provide for my future family.
That's the only reason actually. Other than that, i think i have the ready-or-not-here-i-come paradigm.
Share with me why you are still single. Leave a comment here in my blog.
A friend of mine once told me that she cannot see herself to have children and to be married soon. Some told me that they will remain single for the rest of their life. Some say they can't find the right one. Well, there's always, So no excuse for not finding the right one.? Others would tell me that they are too educated, men don't go for them. So many reasons, so many excuses. I wish to discover the real reason behind this issue.
Please assist me. So that you can help others solve this mistery.
I would like to address and follow up this issue in the aspect of personal character and mindset.
What are the personal traits which are stopping you from getting want you want?
How are you perceiving things that are hindering you from what you want?
What are the self-sabotaging beliefs that you have that forms a barrier to your desired result?
and some other websites.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Did You Hear the Frogs Croak?
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them
fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit
was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The
two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit
with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop,
that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took
heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down
and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again,
the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He
jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the
other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to
them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the
entire time.
This story teaches two lessons:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging
word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it
through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes
to kill them.
Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your
path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand
that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak
words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in
difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time
to encourage another.
"A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams:
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere
in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO,
but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more
love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve
your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."
-- Unknown Author
Build wisely!
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor
of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely
life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would miss the paycheck
each week, but he wanted to retire. They could get by.
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go & asked if he could build
just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but over
time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to
shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way
to end a dedicated career.
When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house.
Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said,
"This is your house... my gift to you."
The carpenter was shocked!
What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house,
he would have done it all so differently.
So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than
our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in
the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.
But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail,
place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."
Your attitude, and the choices you make today, help build the "house" you will live
in tomorrow. Therefore, Build wisely!
Finding a Friend
A good friend of mine whom i've never met shared some wonderful words that gave a huge meaning to me.
May this bit of wisdom, i get to share with you.
Apabila kita ingin berteman,
Janganlah kerana kelebihannya,
Kerana mungkin dengan satu kelemahan,
Kita mungkin akan menjauhinya....
Andai kita ingin berteman,
Janganlah kerana kebaikannya,
Kerana mungkin dengan satu keburukan,
Kita akan membencinya....
Andai kita inginkan sahabat yang satu,
Janganlah kerana ilmunya,
Kerana apabila dia buntu,
Kita mungkin akan memfitnahnya....
Andai kita inginkan seorang teman,
Janganlah kerana sifat cerianya,
Kerana andai dia tidak pandai menceriakan,
Kita mungkin akan menyalahkannya....
Andai kita ingin bersahabat,
Terimalah dia seadanya,
Kerana dia seorang sahabat,
Yang hanya manusia biasa....
Jangan diharapkan sempurna,
Kerana kita juga tidak sempurna........
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful
for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can
become your blessings.
- Unknown
Labels: Thankful
Friday, September 26, 2008
Eusof Says You Must Quit School if You Want To Live Happy
I never believe that the current school education system can make you rich. Well, i thought it would until i was given this pair of eyes.
By true fact, school creates unsuccessful traits for one who wants to be rich.
I personally experience this fact. Many of my traits that i picked up in school actually hinders my business success.
To name a few, examinations "develops" students to be individuals when we know that in reality we need to be a team worker. No copying, no cooperation. This translate to the real world. What a set back to great success.
Another matter that disturbs me is the hierarchy and bureaucratic system practised in school. After readng Jim Collins' Good To Great, it only enlightened me further that school sets you out for failure in the business world.
Jim clearly states that great companies excelled without bureaucracy and hierarchy. Something that i believe and know strongly.
So ask yourself, are you set for failure?
Why do you consider a degree at the first place?
Was it the education or the B.Sc/B.A./MBA/PhD?
Shouldn't learning be a life long process?
Just to quote from Stephen Covey: How many of us graduate with a degree but not an education?
On the other side of the story, i think one should go to school to expand her knowledge. This means even at the risk of leaving school without a degree. Are willing to do that? Otherwise it just proves further that you go to school because of a degree, not an education.
There's a deep secret that i will share with all of my fellow friends out there who are pursuing a degree. Let me remind you that i preach what i say. That's hint!
Labels: Rich
If You Want to be Rich and Happy: Don’t Go to School
In his book, Robert T. Kiyosaki (1993)
has woven together compelling arguments and inspiring personal anecdotes about the destructive quality of the education system.
The education system’s inherent promise of helping young people grow up to become adults who can realize the American Dream turns out to be an illusion.
In a world that is characterized by rapid technological and global changes, the education system has become an archaic institution that continues to cling to obsolete practices.
Concomitantly, students are compelled to perform rote tasks of memorization and conform to classroom routines. Regardless of their academic performance, most of these students emerge as dependent adults who are incapable of thinking for themselves and adapting to our changing times.
According to Kiyosaki (1993), the current education system is fraught with many problems.
First, educators undermine the development of creative and independent thinking in students with their emphasis on the right answer. Essentially, students are when their journey for knowledge is abruptly terminated with their discovery of the one right answer. Consequently, the students who thrive in the school system are typically skilled in rote memorization. However, they are discouraged from exploring complex issuesill-equipped to deal with the dynamic and complex realities of our society. Instead of preparing our young people to apply their thinking to changing situations, the education system has essentially produced graduates who are dependent on their superiors and limited by their lack of creativity.
Second, the education system is a competitive institution that punishes students for their failure to excel in their academic subjects. The comparison between students and the categorization of students into average and above average groups create a negative psychosocial environment. Students who are weak in particular subjects are identified and mocked by their peers, thus undermining their self-esteem. At the same time, the other students lose their sense of compassion and ethics as they are rewarded and celebrated for “winning” at all costs (Kiyosaki, 1993).
Third, schools do not teach students about money and business. Instead, educators project the prevailing perception that money is an inherently evil thing, even though the promise of education is to provide one with a good job and financial security. However, Kiyosaki (1993) contends that money in itself is not evil. Rather, it is the people’s lack of knowledge about money that has contributed to their use or pursuit of money in self-destructive ways.
People do not need a complex education in order to become rich. Rich people have acquired habits and followed principles, which have enabled them to succeed in life. In Kiyosaki’s (1993) opinion, even a seven-year-old can be taught these habits and principles. Herein lies the fallacy of the education system: Although highly specialized subjects such as medicine and astronomy require tremendous education, getting rich requires little education.
In this day and age, people need to
realize that financial security is not equivalent to possessing college degrees and well-paid jobs with solid benefits. Individuals who have thrived in the school system by complying with its rules are hampered by their dependence on external direction and fear in innovation.
Fundamentally, schools are destructive because they undermine the process of thinking and learning. Its rules and principles can only function in a static world. In reality, true security can only be realized when people possess the courage, independence and desire to explore new things and acquire knowledge on a daily basis (Kiyosaki, 1993).
Based on the above arguments, Kiyosaki
(1993) presents an alternative education system that will increase its relevance to the needs of our society today:
• Generalized principles: Students should acquire a set of generalized
principles that will allow them to apply them to diverse situations.
• Principles of money, business and finance: Students should learn
about these principles so that they can be prepared for the practical
realities of adult life.
• Freedom of choice: Students should be allowed to pursue their
interests in their work. The freedom of choice taps into the intrinsic passion
of learning within students.
• Life-long learning: Learning is a perpetual process that does not end
when people leave school. Instead of focusing on getting increased pay,
people should be concentrating on acquiring knowledge.
With this book, Kiyosaki has highlighted the key issues that affect
every aspect of life - education, work and financial security. Instead of preparing students for the realities of life, the education system has essentially sabotaged their natural ability to function in a world of change. Teaching students to conform and to search for the one right answer ultimately destroys their independence and their passion for learning and living. True learning does not end with graduation and a diploma. Only through the endless pursuit of knowledge in life will one achieve the promise of financial security.
Kiyosaki, R.T. (1993). If you want to be rich and happy, don’t go to school: Ensuring lifetime security for yourself and your children. Santa Rosa: Aslan Publishing Co.
Labels: Rich
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Only Constant is Change
Yes! You are right!
The only constant thing in life in change. Because of that i am changing the look of my blog.
And do not worry. As long as i get to learn new blog stuffs, i will keep on changing.
SO enjoy the new look. And do give me your feedback like how noreen critical commented on my previous blog.
Thanks to her =P now i have made this change. Although i am struggling to use the html code thingy. Hate it man!
I have several issues with this template. I can't seem to find the comment button. How are my readers are going to comment if there aren't comment buttons?!
Well, here comes the appeal. Those who are very familiar with the WP(wordpress) template, please help your poor chap here. Any takers? Iwan? Azhar? My cousin, aidil?
When i have the money i will just get someone to do this for me.
Such a waste of time. I wonder sometimes why i am blogging.
Well, i'll end like how i usually end. Please supplicate for me my dearest friends.
Attitude Determines Attitude
I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock
strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important.
My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful
that the grass is getting watered for free.
Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that
my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me
away from waste.
Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was
growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns
have roses.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon
a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy
because I have a job to do.
Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my
mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or
I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind,
body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am,
the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind
of day I will have!
- Author Unknown
Labels: Attitude
Level 5 Leadership
Level 5 leaders are a study in duality: modest and willful, humble and fearless. To quickly grasp this concept, think of United States President Abraham Lincoln (one of the few Level 5 presidents in United States history), who never let his ego get in the way
of his primary ambition for the larger cause of an enduring great nation. Yet those who mistook Mr. Lincoln’s personal modesty, shy nature, and awkward manner as signs of weakness found themselves terribly mistaken, to the scale of 250,000 Confederate and 360,000 Union lives, including Lincoln’s own.
While it might be a bit of a stretch to compare the good-to-great CEOs to Abraham Lincoln, they did display the same duality.
The Two Sides of Level 5 Leadership
Professional Will | Personal Humility |
Creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great. | Demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation; never boastful. |
Demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult. | Acts with quiet, calm determination; relies principally on inspired standards, not inspiring charisma, to motivate. |
Sets the standard of building an enduring great company; will settle for nothing less. | Channels ambition into the company, not the self; sets up successors for even greater success in the next generation. |
Looks in the mirror, not out the window, to apportion responsibility for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors, or bad luck. | Looks out the window, not in the mirror, to apportion credit for the success of the company—to other people, external factors, and good luck. |
Labels: Leadership, Level 5 Leadership
Thank you Mother Teresa
Inspiring thoughts :Hearing this words from mother teresa makes me cry in the heart.
We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge. People make mistakes.
We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage
will haunt us forever.
Pause and ponder. Think before you act. Be patient.
Forgive & forget. Love one and all.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
-- Mother Teresa
I do realize that we ought to love everyone around us and forgive them for their mistakes. After all it's just mistakes.
At the same time i do feel that i need to seek forgiveness from those people i have wronged.
Should i not have the chance to seek for your forgiveness, i apologize through this blog. My hope for those who i have angered, hurt, humiliated and sinned, is to forgive me for i am man full of sins.
Should i die before i seek your forgiveness, i pray you stumble across my blog and read this post and forgive me for my wrong doings toward you and your family and friends.
To my future wife and children and my generation to come, i know i will make mistakes along the way and i do sincerely hope you forgive me for my weakness of not being a good husband, father, grandfather and so on.
At this point of writing, i am at the humble state of my life. And i am afraid that i will forget that being in the future. So forgive me my friends, my dearest families and relatives.
My last advice before i leave this world is for you to hold on to the ropes of the Islam steadfastly. Allow the Qur'an and sunnah be your ultimate guide.
May we meet again in the hereafter with the blessed prophet muhammad sallahu 'alaihi wassalaam.
O Allah, witness this day as You are the Greatest of all witnesses.
7 Habits and 8th Habit of Highly Effective People

- Be proactive. This is the ability to control one's environment,
rather than the opposite, as is so often the case. Managers need to control
their own environment, by using self-determination and the ability to respond
to various circumstances. - Begin with the end in mind. This means that the manager must
be able to see the desired outcome, and to concentrate on activities which
help to achieve that end. - Put first things first. A manager must manage his own person.
Personally. And managers should implement activities which aim to achieve
the second habit. Covey says that habit 2. is the first, or mental creation;
habit 3 is the second, or physical creation. - Think win-win. This is the most important aspect of interpersonal
leadership, because most achievements are based on shared effort. Therefore
the aim needs to be win-win solutions for all. - Seek first to understand and then to be understood. By developing
and maintaining positive relationships through good communications, the
manager is understood by others, and he can understand the subordinates. - Synergize. This is the habit of creative cooperation: the principle
that collaborating towards attaining a purpose often achieves more, than
could be achieved by individuals working independently. - Sharpen the saw. We should learn from our previous experiences.
And we should encourage others to do the same. Covey sees development as
one of the most important aspects for being able to cope with challenges,
and for aspiring towards higher levels of ability.
In his 2004 book: "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness", Covey introduces an additional eighth habit:
- Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. Striving towards
"greatness", means to act with integrity as an individual and to help others
to do the same. According to Covey, this habit represents the 3rd dimension
of his model. Greatness is the overlap of:
- Personal greatness. Applying the 7 habits in the forms of: vision,
discipline, passion and conscience. - Leadership greatness. Applying the 4 roles of leadership, which
are modeling the 7 habits:
- Path finding. Creating the blueprint.
- Aligning. Creating a technically elegant system
of work. - Empowering. Releasing the talent, energy, and
contribution of people. - Modeling. To build trust with others. The heart
of effective leadership.
- Organizational greatness. This is greatness turned into a vision,
mission and values. This brings clarity, commitment, translation, synergy,
and enables accountability.
Book: Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Book: Stephen Covey: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
Labels: 7 Habits, 8th Habit, Leadership
Great Leaders amongst Friends
You may notice or not. However i do. I really admire that great sense of leadership amongst our friends.
Strong commanding and influential character. Effective leaders like mokhsin rashid and azhar ismail have been my model. Sorry guys. You are being observed all the while.
I can't help it. I need to learn from the best.
Nonetheless i will be searching for more leaders hiding amongst our friends and i will pick up the great traits from them.
Labels: Leadership
You are a Child of the Universe
May this be a reminder and an inspiration to me always.
Labels: Universe
Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, US crisis hits European stocks
NEW YORK (AFP) — Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy Monday and Merrill Lynch announced a rescue sale in a series of dramas in the US financial system which hit European stocks as soon as trading began.
The stunning fall of Lehman Brothers, one of the highest profile investment institutions, came after a frantic weekend marking a dangerous new chapter in the financial crisis sparked by failings in the subprime home-loan market.
In Frankfurt, the European Central Bank said it was ready to intervene again on the money market.
A group of banks set up a 70 billion dollars global emergency fund and reports said insurance giant AIG had asked for a 40-billion-dollar loan to ward off its own disaster.
The US Federal Reserve also acted with an easing of collateral for the provision of loans to avert systemic breakdowns; and the events immediately shook European stock markets.
The London market opened with a fall of 2.28 percent on the FTSE 100 index of leading shares, in Frankfurt the DAX index fell by 1.55 percent and in Paris the CAC 40 index fell by 2.48 percent.
In the United States, Lehman said the bankruptcy was authorized by its board of directors and will take place at the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York on Monday.
The bank said in a statement it was acting "in order to protect its assets and maximize value."
"Customers of Lehman Brothers, including customers of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Neuberger Berman Holdings LLC, may continue to trade or take other actions with respect to their accounts," the statement said.
The beleaguered bank lost an estimated 3.9 billion dollars (2.7 billion euros) in its fiscal third quarter amid fresh writedowns on mortgage assets.
Last-ditch efforts to find a buyer collapsed Sunday. A London source at British bank Barclays said it walked away from negotiations because of concerns it would have to guarantee the 158-year-old US firm's trading commitments.
Bank of America said it was buying Merrill Lynch for 50 billion dollars in a transaction that creates the world's largest financial services company.
The acquisition gives Bank of America the largest brokerage in the world with more than 20,000 advisers and 2.5 trillion dollars in client assets.
The shake-up came as the US Federal Reserve, eager to cushion the impact of the Lehman blow, said it was easing collateral requirements for the firms as it acted "to identify potential market vulnerabilities in the wake of an unwinding of a major financial institution."
The collateral for the special emergency loans will be expanded to all investment-grade debt securities, the central bank said. Previously, only Treasury securities, agency securities, and AAA-rated mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities could be pledged.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who took part in weekend discussions in New York to avert a new financial shock, said the actions "will be critical to facilitating liquid, smooth functioning markets, and addressing potential concerns in the credit markets."
Analysts expected Lehman's bankruptcy filing could affect a range of companies dealing with the Wall Street giant and could worsen the global credit crunch.
The Securities and Exchange Commission said it was "taking actions" to protect the deposits of Lehman's customers, who are protected by SEC rules and an insurance fund.
In a related action, a consortium of 10 global commercial and investment banks announced plans to provide 70 billion dollars to help offset a credit squeeze.
Bank of America, Barclays , Citibank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and UBS, said in a joint statement they "initiated a series of actions to help enhance liquidity and mitigate the unprecedented volatility and other challenges affecting global equity and debt markets."
They agreed to create a "collateralized borrowing facility" of 70 billion dollars, with each bank contributing seven billion dollars, to help ease access to credit.
They also said they would work together "to help facilitate an orderly resolution" of the derivatives exposures between Lehman Brothers and its counterparties.
"These actions reflect the extraordinary market environment," the statement said.
The 10 banks would be able to tap this facility, with any bank eligible for up to one-third of the fund. The amount may be expanded if more banks join the program.
"It seems clear that a category five storm is making landfall in the US financial system and a lot of very messy stuff is hitting the fan," Michael Panzer, author of the book "Financial Armageddon," said on his blog.
Meanwhile, The New York Times reported that AIG was seeking a 40 billion-dollar bridge loan from the Federal Reserve in the face of a possible downgrade from credit ratings agencies that could spell its doom.
Citing a person briefed on the matter, the daily said rating agencies threatened to downgrade the insurance giant's credit rating by Monday morning, which would lead to a sharp outflow of cash.
The Wall Street Journal warned in an editorial Monday that Americans should brace themselves for "a very rough Monday" and called for more government actions in support of Wall Street.
Source: Google News
Labels: Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy
Maryam Hashim and her words of wisdom
[Qur'anul Kareem 57:20] Know that this worldly life is no more than play and games, and boasting among you, and hoarding of money and children. It is like abundant rain that produces plants and pleases the disbelievers. But then the plants turn into useless hay, and are blown away by the wind. In the Hereafter there is either severe retribution, or forgiveness from GOD and approval. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion.
I was chatting with our beloved sister Maryam while she was sharing with me her profound insights of the verse above.
I am truly moved as it served as a great reminder to me.
She continued by telling me, "but generally, the quote is from surah al-hadeed where He explained the fact of life on this earth. See 57:20. It says that life is only but temporary play, musings, waste and boasting among ourselves with what we possessed and in search of increasing more money and children. Life on earth is only but a temporary illusion (esp when its easy life). In addition, as humans, we're created to... love these things (children, money, post, etc) see 3:14 but verily, the best abode is with Him in the Hereafter."
A graceful elaboration by her.
She then continued.
"I believe we should live our lives like how SAyyidina Ali (r.a.) has taught us : "Bekerjalah kamu seperti kamu akan hidup selamanya, dan beramallah kamu seperti kamu akan mati esoknya."
"and Rasulullah s.a.w said:" khairul umuri awshotuha"...
The moment i read the lines above, i was supercharged. It says: Work as if you will live forever, and do good deeds as if you will die the next day. (aw qama qol, something like that)
The true spirit is to strive for excellence and be the best, at the same time not to be binded with the love for the material world. I would have to agree that a great muslim is one with wealth, power, influence and all that you can list in your mind.
How i would see this verse is a revelation for us to work hard and struggle to achieve the best for the religion. On the contrary is to stagnate and avoid the world wholly.
If we are talking in terms of money, how can the poor help the religion? What more to defend it? Verily, poverty is close to kekufuran (=the state of not being grateful to the Sole Creator). If you are poor, you will be struggling to feed yourself and therefore you will look out for more material gains to sustain yourself. This would only bring you further away from deen.
Poor here has many definitions. I would define it in two lights. One, living below the poverty level. Two, having a poor mentality or paradigm. The latter is for those who live in the modern world or economy. How many of us are high income earners and yet are poor? I will allow you dear readers to discover the answers for yourself.
More importantly, i learn so much from that simple conversation with Maryam. It is indeed a blessing to know her.
O Allah, please give her Your utmost blessings, love her and reserve her a place in paradise with Your Great messenger, our beloved Rasulullah sallahu 'alahi wassalaam.
Wallahu 'alam. May i be corrected if i am not right.
Labels: Reflection
Directing Your Focus Towards Success
It is not just WHAT we think about that determines how we feel, but also HOW we think about it.
Has there been a time when you thought about something you were really motivated to do, like going shopping?
Yet, on another occasion, you thought about the same thing and were less motivated to go.
Why? The pictures, sounds and feelings that we generate in our mind determine the state that we are in. However, the intensity of our state is determined by HOW we generate the pictures, sounds and feelings.
What do I mean? Well, think about something which you are motivated to do, say going shopping or maybe eating your favorite ice cream.
As you think about it, I want you to close your eyes and make a picture of it. See yourself enjoying that tasty ice cream cone. Notice what else you see around you in this experience.
What sounds do you hear that is associated with this picture? You could hear the slurping sounds you make when you are eating the ice cream.
What would you normally say to yourself as you think of this? For example, you may say to yourself, 'Mmmm, yummy'. I want you to notice how motivated you are about doing this right now.
Next, I want you to make some changes to the picture you are making of this experience. Take the picture in your mind and make it twice as big. What happens to the intensity of the state?
Does the feeling of motivation increase? Now, make the picture brighter and bring it closer to you. What happens to the intensity of the motivation? If it is a still picture, make it into a movie, where everything is moving.
Now, make whatever sound you hear around you much louder. Make the sounds close and stereo, so you hear it in both ears. Do you feel a lot more motivated to eat that ice cream cone?
For most people, making these changes to the picture (visual) and sound (auditory) elements of the experience will significantly increase the intensity of their state.
Those times when you felt extremely motivated or excited to do something, it is because the pictures tended to be bigger, closer, brighter and more dynamic. The sounds and internal dialogue you generated were also probably louder and closer to you.
Now, the reason why you didn't feel so motivated at another time was because the pictures and sounds you made were smaller and further away.
We normally do not consciously direct the way we make up the pictures, sounds and feelings in our mind. This is why we have little control over how we feel.
By shifting these elements, we can immediately shift the intensity of any state we experience. These elements that we can shift are called our Sub modalities.
If you have ever watched a great movie, you will know that what makes a movie truly outstanding is the director's ability to bring the audience through a series of intense emotional states like excitement, fear, anticipation or romance.
How does he achieve this? He does it through manipulating the images and sounds on the screen. The angles, speed, color, focus, brightness, volume, size and distance all affect the intensity of the state that we experience.
In order to get us intensely excited, the director will make the images move fast and increase the volume and tempo of the music. To capture the intensity of the emotions, he will zoom up close to the faces of the characters and may even place the audience in a first person position (we call this an associated experience).
Well, we do the same thing in our minds! For example, in order to get highly motivated our brain must generate the pictures and sounds inside in a certain way.
The trouble is that most people have never learnt to consciously be the director of their own mental movie. They allow their minds to run on autopilot!
As a result, they are not in control of what they feel and how they feel.
To Your Success,
Adam Khoo
Labels: Success
"The Journey"
I have always wanted to post this down. An entry about the recent Solat Khusyu' Program that i attended. For the benefit of all, i will lay down the random points that i learnt or have yet to learn. (hmmm?)
1. System Configuration
Use positive words.
Humans are the most hi-tech creation, Robert Galvin, Chairman Motorola.
We have to be proud (not with pride) of the creation of God.
Make a paradigm shift.
Be a khalifah, a leader.
Release and let go, leave to Allah.
2. Default Factory Setting
Halal, baik and berkat.
Taste the nikmah of food.
Positive thinking, positive energy, positive feeling.
The universe is working for us.
(then we learnt about solatech)
Inner voice (feeling).
GOLF=Golongan Orang Lemah Fikiran.
Kalau redha, apa-apa yang terjadi atas kita, kita akan terima walaupun perkara dibuat itu menyakitkan.
Rela, redha.
Do not force.
Frequency of the mind.
Mother Theresa, ambassador for peace.
12% of brain, 88% of heart.
Feel it and make it apart of oneself.
Brain Freuquency
Beta: (14-100Hz) Logic, Left brain, prejudgement, anxiety, Stress, was-was, Limited.
Alpha: (8-13.9Hz) Khusyu', Relax, Meditation, Sincere feeling, Super Learning, Fulfilled, Fresh.
Theta: (4-7.9Hz) Very Khusyu', Deep meditation, Problem solving, dream, Imagination.
Delta: (0.1-3.9Hz) Sleep without dream, no thoughts. Zero Mind Process. eg. Ashabul Kahfi.
Hypnotherapy. NLP.
(Qn: How do i maintain or set my surrounding to the desired hertz? music? feelings?)
a. Sharp thinking. b.feelings. c.determined.
3. ZMP = Zero Mind Process
IQ: 12%
Performed Hand exercise.
Bio Electro Magnet.
Positive Thinking vs Positive Feeling.
Positve Visualization.
Positive Imaging.
Forgive and seek forgiveness.
Cleanse the heart. Purification of the heart.
5 Steps to Khusyu'
1. Forgive and Seek for Forgiveness.
2. Breathe out with the word 'Allah'.
3. ZMP
Don't allow your mind to control.
Let go of your whole body.
Super relax state.
Just let go.
You will fall (until you allow your mind to control again)
Must allow your mind to switch off.
Just allow the body to fall.
Moving to ruku' state and let go.
The feeling is like when you are sleepy, your head just falls to one side. (now you can imagine how)
Get rid of mind control.
4. Istighfar
Selawat. Syahadah. Fatehah.
5. Allow the ruh to go out. (i totally don't understand this one)
end result: drop and totally fall to the ground.
Ruh kembali kepada Allah.
Remarks: I will keep my personal comments to myself. It could be very controversial. Well you can ask me what i think. I can explain to you.
4. Transfer Experience
Feel each others' feeling (inner feeling).
Heart-to-heart for two persons.
Hold hands for > 3 persons.
Zero Mind Process
Sense of Tranquilty.
Declaration of "The Journey"
Pak Agus Mustafa
5. USB and SOP
Universal Spiritual Bonding.
Spiritual Operation Program.
Energy Vibration-----Feelings
Quantum Physics.
Modern Sufism.
Azan to the ear!
[above is the random points i have in my notes whilst i was in the program. i don't know how you are going to benefit from this, you will find your own way. My plead: Please do not prejudge me after reading this. =)]
Labels: Spiritual Journey
Happy Birthday Nadiah Syafawati
12th September 2008 is when a girl turns a year older.
This girl i am talking about is someone special. Someone more or less has made an impact in my life subtly.
She's gone through a lot of my nonsense. Tolerated it. Patient with it. Endured it. Keep up with it. And most importantly gave me the chance to make a change in myself.
There's not enough credits and compliments that can repay her kindness and sincerity. Only Allah may reward her for her patience and determined will.
Nadiah, i hope this year would be a greater year than last year and i hope you would find greater happiness and a more fulfilling life.
Nadiah, Happy Birthday to you. 23 yrs of wisdom and a lot more to go...
Labels: Happy Birthday
Helen Fisher: The science of love, and the future of women
Today i meet my dear brother Naufal. Thanks to him, he inspired me to post another entry about love and marriage.
So to start off, allow me to share a video clip by Dr Helen Fisher about romantic love.
May we understand her theory and accelerate our decisions to marry soon to increase our productivity as a human function.
Enjoy the video!
Take this 100 Day Challenge Now
Have you been achieving your goals?
I am sure you have. And i am sure you have not too, for some of the goals.
Well...i am taking this 100-day challenge and i urge those who have great desire to achieve their ultimate goals to take on this challenge.
It is going to start in 12 days' time. So hurry...Join now for no cost. FREE!
Start Fast Finish Strong
Free downloads:
Interview with Gary Ryan Blair
Transcript of Interview
Do it Now! Mp3
Labels: 100 Day Challenge, Goals
What A Great Monday Morning!
Today is Monday! Another great day ahead of me.
Yeah! Can't wait to achieve more goals today.
I have always been intrigued by peak performance. Like how people can spend 18 hours per day doing work. I have always admired this people.
This is one area of field that i am going to discover. Imagine if i can be very productive, i would have accomplished much much more.
Imagine if the whole world are that productive, can you then see how much value can be added to humanity.
Well, if you get what i mean.
Labels: Peak performance
I feel So Blessed
These are the times when i look beyond myself and see upon those who do not have what i have.
I feel so deeply in gratitude for the things Our Creator have given me.


My heart goes out for those who are living in disaster-prone areas. May help come to their rescue and reduce the number unnecessary deaths.
For all this that is happening, i feel guilty for i am not grateful for the things i have. May Allah guide me and show me the way to self-awareness and realization.
Core Desire
- 100 Day Challenge (1)
- 1429H (1)
- 51 Malaysiaku Gemilang (1)
- 7 Habits (1)
- 8th Habit (1)
- Adam Khoo (1)
- Alhamdulillah (1)
- and the future of women (1)
- APEX (2)
- Appreciates (1)
- Attitude (1)
- Dairy Farm (1)
- Destressing (1)
- Financial Freedom (1)
- ghufran (1)
- Goals (2)
- Gratitute (1)
- Happy Birthday (1)
- Leadership (4)
- Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy (1)
- Level 5 Leadership (1)
- Malaysia (1)
- Master Your Mind Design Your Destiny (1)
- mercy (1)
- Merdeka (1)
- MOE (1)
- mubarak (1)
- Natural Healing (1)
- peace (1)
- Peak performance (1)
- Positive Mind (1)
- Ramadhan (1)
- Reflection (1)
- Relationship (1)
- Relationships (1)
- rescue (1)
- Rich (2)
- Secrets of Millionaire Investors (1)
- Secrets of Self-Made Millionaire (1)
- Spiritual Journey (1)
- Subconscious Mind (1)
- Success (2)
- terawih (1)
- thank you (1)
- Thankful (1)
- The science of love (2)
- Universe (1)
- Ustaz Ali (1)
- Wasyukurulillah (1)
My Associates
- 100 Day Challenge (1)
- 1429H (1)
- 51 Malaysiaku Gemilang (1)
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The surprising way small actions shift beliefs | Kris De Meyer - Feeling stuck on the big issues? Neuroscientist Kris De Meyer has a surprising fix. Instead of waiting for information to get you motivated, he shows how t...2 days ago
Use the Power of Words - Use the power of words to be repeated when the body send signals to misdirect our goals General Endurance is my greatest faculty. Keep going. Weight Loss G...5 years ago
Read Online The Religious Function Of The Psyche Doc - *Free PDF The Religious Function Of The Psyche Doc* - Read 2001 Buick Lesabre Ac Vent Problems Doc - Read Online Engine-Timing-Tools-Laser-Tools-Home m...5 years ago
KULIAH BARU: IJTIHAD FIQH KONTEMPORARI - *Peribahasa Melayu ada menyebutkan:* Mati gajah meninggalkan gading, mati manusia meninggalkan nama. (Ertinya: Orang kaya mati meninggalkan harta, orang...6 years ago
Discover How the Ultimate Success Formula Can Be Used to Achieve Success in Your Life - The post Discover How the Ultimate Success Formula Can Be Used to Achieve Success in Your Life appeared first on Adam Khoo on Success, Business & Life .7 years ago
The Walk In Customer & The Tailor - I was looking for a tailor to make my suits last Sunday. As I happen to be Peninsula Plaza with the Ahemm cos she wanted to some sizing and alterations. I ...10 years ago
silence - "Do not take someone’s silence as his pride, perhaps he is busy fighting with his self."12 years ago
Disclosing ethnic data won't solve problems either - I refer to the article written by Zuraidah Ibrahim titled "Hiding Ethnic Data Won't Solve Problems" ( years ago
Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah - Dari Abu Darda RA meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, katakanlah SUBHANALLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, LAILAHAILLALLAH, ALLAHU AKBAR, WALAHAULAWALA KUWATAILLA...13 years ago
A New Dawn. A New Day. But for the next 5 years the PAP is here to stay.. - When the results of GE2011 for the electoral boundary of Aljunied GRC was announced, the supporters of the Workers’ Party who gathered at Hougang Stadium, ...13 years ago
To my darling ex 1G3s and 1S1s - I met up with one of you recently at a convention, and apparently you're all in sec three already! OMG, how time flies! I hope everyone is doing well, and ...14 years ago
Whose version is it anyway? - If you don't know, I am sitting for this module "film and history". Every 2 weeks I am supposed to write a 500 words discussion on the film that I just wat...15 years ago
Sadness ... It's Just a Feeling that No One Can Comprehend. - Salaam. I'm sad. No, it's not only because someone is away for a week, but due to many different things, when put together, that puts me down. What happe...16 years ago
A Transition Phase - eusof is moving! moving to . . . i'm still building the site so you guys have to just wait....16 years ago
Salam kenal - Salam perkenalan buat semua yang sudi untuk masuk ke dalam blog baru aku ni. Aku ni bukan lah seorang yang kaki blogger seperti hubby aku sendiri. Tapi ak...16 years ago
Difference - HTML and XHTML - When inserting codes into the Blogger template, page element, or blog post, you may have seen error messages that the code could not be parsed, was not wel...17 years ago